Gudi Penchalaiah

front end developer


I'M Gudi Penchalaiah

I am very interest in Web development and bringing for a positive attitude and the willingness and motivation to learn a new programs.

About Me

name : Gudi Penchalaiah

age : 20

qualification : Graduation

post : front end developer

language : English


years of completed


project completed


happy clients


awards won

Technical Skills



Well versed with Object Oriented concepts.

Knowledge in using Constructor,Chaining, Overloading and Overriding concepts.

Used interface and inheritant concepts in JAVA.

Solid Knowledge on Packages and Access specifiers.

Good Knowledge in Exception handling.



Excellent Knowledge of HTML Tags like input,list,Table,Form etc.

Good Understanding of Types of Pipeline in CSS like inline,internal,External.

Hands on experience on using CSS Properties.

Good Understanding of JAVASCRIPT Functions and methods to validate the forms.


Good understanding of RDBMS concept like Constrains,Normalization,table etc.

Excellent Knowledge of writing SQL Queries.

Good understanding of SQL concepts like Functions,Grouping,Subqueries etc.

Solid understanding of SQL Joins

Expertise to the create the table using DDL,DML commands.

Good Knowledge of DDL,DML and TCL.

My Education

10th Class


My school completed in my village,and my school percenntage is 78%.I can particpate lot of events.I am learning lot of things in my school.

Inter 1stYear

St.Joseph's Junior College

I am completed my inter 1st year in kadapa and also my inter 1st year percenatge is 94%.I can particpate lot of events.I am learning lot of things in my inter 1styear.

Inter 2ndYear

St.Joseph's Junior College

I am completed my inter 1st year in kadapa and also my inter 1st year percenatge is 93%.I can particpate lot of events.I am learning lot of things in my inter 1styear.

Degree 1stYear

Sri Venkateswara degree college

I am completed degree inter 1st year in kadapa and also my degree 1st year percenatge is 69%.I can particpate lot of events.I am learning lot of things in my degree 1styear.

Degree 2ndYear

Sri Venkateswara degree college

I am completed my degree 2nd year in kadapa and also my degree 2nd year percenatge is 70%.I can particpate lot of events.I am learning lot of things in my degree 2ndyear.

Degree 3rdYear

Sri Venkateswara degree college

I am completed my degree 3rd year in kadapa and also my degree 3rd year percenatge is 73%.I can particpate lot of events.I am learning lot of things in my degree 3rdyear.

My Portfolio

Contact Me

Contact Info



kadapa,india - 516003